I think its important with any project (be it a game or otherwise) to know when to quit. I’m not one to give up easily and I certainly wouldn’t give up on something if it was just a case of lack of knowledge.
My iPhone game has been going well and I recently got it up to a point where it was usable in a raw form. That’s when it dawned on me… my game isn’t fun! I think its down to the genre I selected (which, in case you hadn’t gathered from my previous posts, was a text adventure). For some reason it just doesn’t fit the platform, even with my modern control scheme. People don’t want to play this type of game. So I’ve taken the decission to suspend development on the game. Maybe i’ll pick it up again at some point in the near future.
Its not all bad news though. It’s good that i’ve realised it fairly early on, since i’m not giving up on iPhone game development. I’ve come up with a new idea for a new game. Its pretty simple but i think it will fit with the platform – i’ll share some details of it in my next post.
To finish off with my now suspended text adventure, here are some screenshots showing the point to which I had developed the game.

Screenshot of game screen

Screenshot of Action Wheel