Bytesize Adventures
Crafting bite-sized digital worlds

Inspiration for your next iPhone game: Retro Games

I’m going to make a sweeping, possibly inaccurate, generalisation. Modern games are highly derivative, boring, and predictable. They nearly always involve some form of shooting; be it people, robots, zombies,…

A beginners guide to iPhone game development

Last week a great blog post, followed by a seemingly innocuous tweet from @mysterycoconut, escalated into what is now known as iDevBlogADay. The concept is fairly straightforward; Every day a…

Weather dot Rain

It’s been some time since I wrote an update on my latest game. Whilst i’ve been fairly quiet on this blog, the game has changed a fair bit and, I…

The Sketchbook Project 2011

There was a time when anyone who asked me “What will you be in life?” received the rather confident and totally serious answer “I’ll be an Artist”. I studied Art…

The one with the videos

Progress on my game is pretty slow at the moment and that’s a good thing. Let me tell you why. Both Star Fusion and Rocket Santa had development cycles of…

On OS4

Interesting week as always. On the game progress front, not too much has changed, I’m working on the level manager and will then move on to the core level editor….

Risk vs Reward

This week I’ve really worked on refining the core exploration mechanic – there’s still more to do but the experience is beginning to take shape. I suppose one of the…

BrainWave – Idea Management for Game Developers

Project Management – It’s perhaps the least sexy part of independent game design and development. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have struggled endlessly with existing products trying to cram…


This week has mainly been about the game’s theme and artwork style. The blocks you saw in last weeks post were only intended to be placeholders and it had gotten…

Early Screenshot

Time for another weekly update. Also, I have a screenshot for you this week. So grab yourself a coffee and read on. Carrying on from last week, I’m continuing to…